jueves, septiembre 02, 2004

Reconozco que en el fondo SOY IDIOTA...

Como dice Cortazar HAY QUE SER REALMENTE IDIOTA PARA... Click para leer.

Estama mañana mientras me cambiaba viendo tv, salió un video de Alanis Morrisette de una canción llamada EVERYTHING y me encantó, esta demás decir que me gustan las canciones de Alanis! Sin más que decir les dejó la letra de esta canción.....

EVERYTHING - Alanis Morrissette

I can be an asshole of the grandest kind
I can withhold like it’s going out of style
I can be the moodiest baby and you’ve never met anyone
who is as negative as I am sometimes

I am the wisest woman you've ever met.
I am the kindest soul with whom you've connected.
I have the bravest heart that you've ever seen
And you've never met anyone
Who's as positive as I am sometimes.

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can’t relate
And you’re still here

I blame everyone else, not my own partaking
My passive-aggressiveness can be devastating
I'm terrified and mistrusting
And you’ve never met anyone as,
As closed down as I am sometimes.

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can’t relate
And you’re still here

What I resist, persists, and speaks louder than I know
What I resist, you love, no matter how low or high I go

I'm the funniest woman you've ever known.
I am the dullest woman you've ever known.
I'm the most gorgeous woman you've ever known
And you've never met anyone as, as everything as I am sometimes.

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can’t relate
And you’re still here

And you’re still here
And you're still here...

0 comentarios:

jueves, septiembre 02, 2004

Reconozco que en el fondo SOY IDIOTA...

Como dice Cortazar HAY QUE SER REALMENTE IDIOTA PARA... Click para leer.

Estama mañana mientras me cambiaba viendo tv, salió un video de Alanis Morrisette de una canción llamada EVERYTHING y me encantó, esta demás decir que me gustan las canciones de Alanis! Sin más que decir les dejó la letra de esta canción.....

EVERYTHING - Alanis Morrissette

I can be an asshole of the grandest kind
I can withhold like it’s going out of style
I can be the moodiest baby and you’ve never met anyone
who is as negative as I am sometimes

I am the wisest woman you've ever met.
I am the kindest soul with whom you've connected.
I have the bravest heart that you've ever seen
And you've never met anyone
Who's as positive as I am sometimes.

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can’t relate
And you’re still here

I blame everyone else, not my own partaking
My passive-aggressiveness can be devastating
I'm terrified and mistrusting
And you’ve never met anyone as,
As closed down as I am sometimes.

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can’t relate
And you’re still here

What I resist, persists, and speaks louder than I know
What I resist, you love, no matter how low or high I go

I'm the funniest woman you've ever known.
I am the dullest woman you've ever known.
I'm the most gorgeous woman you've ever known
And you've never met anyone as, as everything as I am sometimes.

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can’t relate
And you’re still here

And you’re still here
And you're still here...

0 comentarios on "Reconozco que en el fondo SOY IDIOTA..."

Los que leo

"Ni puedo ajustarme a un modelo, ni ser modelo para nadie; pero puedo eso sí, formar mi propia vida a mí manera y esto es lo que voy a hacer, cualquiera que sea el resultado. No represento ningún principio, sino algo más maravilloso, algo que uno lleva dentro, algo vivo, cálido, que grita de alegría y que pugna por salir"
Lou Andreas Salomé

Te aviso cuando actualice?

